Sunday 19 June 2016

Crochet and chevron cushions

I have recntly finished these two little projects, they add a pop of color to my white bedding!

The chevron cushion cover was very simple to make. I used a tutorial I found on pinterest, I think I finished it within 20 minutes. Here is the link to the tutorial if you're interested:

The pattern for the crocheted cushion cover comes from a crocheting magazine, so I sadly can not share this. It is easy to do, as it only requires the treble stitch. It doesn't make a complete cushion cover. It makes one big square that acts as the front of the cushion. I then bought a simple blue cushion cover which I sewed the large crochet square on.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Easy babyblanket

I have been wanting to make a babyblanket for ages, so when my friend told me she was pregnant I knew straight away what I was making her! This blanket is super-super easy, and can be made in a day. I choose a pretty 100% cotton fabric which would be the front of the blanket and some fleece fabric for the back. I then looked up the measurements for a baby blanket online and cut both of the fabric to size, allowing a 1 cm seam allowance. With right sides facing, machine stitch the sides of the fabrics together leaving a small gap. Once the sides are al stitched up (except the gap) turn the blanket inside out through the gap so that the right sides appear. Iron the blanket and neaten up the gap by ironing the sides in. Machine or hand stitch the gap so that there are no holes left in the sides of the blanket. I finished the blanket of by sewing some bias band round the edges and adding a sweet 'made with love' label.

Monday 2 March 2015

New house keyrings

Two of my best friends will be renting an apartment together. I wanted to make them a little present for their new home. It had to be something easy, quick and that I could do in bed. I decided to make a keyring for them to hang their new keys on! I used an old piece of fabric which already had these printed houses on, I then cut a piece of fleece and a piece of cotton fabric and sewed these all together with the fleece in the middle. I then attached a piece of ribbon and sewed on a pretty bow and button. I then cut round the edges with special scissors that give the edges a distressed effect. I added a pretty notebook as I found it very handy to have one little book to write everything down in while packing and moving. And my little 'new home' pressies were ready!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Christmas memories 2014

''It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters  it's who's around it''  

Monday 24 November 2014

Motivational quotes for lymies

I’m still here!! And I’m starting to feel better, which makes me so happy and grateful. I still spend most of my days in bed or on the couch, but am able to go out for short walks. Sadly, I’m not able to attend university in the state I am now so I decide to put my studies on hold until February to give myself some more time to recover. I’m a sucker for quotes and especially ‘motivational’ ones. These quotes have helped me to think positively and have faith that everything will be okay in the end. I printed some of them and had them close by so whenever I was feeling down I could grab them and remind myself of the fact that it is what it is and that I will get better. Now, I’m not saying that this is some kind of ‘magical’ medicine (if only that were true!!) but it sure helps! And frankly I can use any help there is right now. These quotes have been my favorite:

It’s a long road but it’s worth it - Unknown
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on – Thomas Jefferson

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have – Unknown
You’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry, but do not give up – Unknown

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome – Unknown
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t – Unknown

It’s okay not to be okay – Unknown
The longer you have to wait for something the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives – Unknown

Wednesday 1 October 2014

This will make you go bananas!

At the moment I’m lying in bed feeling very, very sick and in a lot of pain. I have been in bed for 4 weeks due to a new treatment for my lyme. It’s really hard at the moment but I’m hoping that it will be worth it in the long run! I have my moments in which my head feels okay and I’m able to get some school work done and do some blogging. As I haven’t really been able to eat much the last couple of weeks I haven’t done any recipe testing or cooking anything worth showing on my blog. I was looking through my pictures on my laptop the other day and came across this picture of a breakfast I had a couple of months ago. I think this must have been before the summer holidays as I can remember trying to finish everything up. I had just a handful of these dried bananas left and had some cocoa nibs and organic crunchy peaunutbutter that needed to be finished before leaving my dorm room for the summer. It’s so easy to put together that it isn’t really worth writing a recipe. I just sliced a banana in half and covered this with peanut butter and sprinkled the cocoa nibs and dried bananas on top. Due to the banana and peanut butter it’s rather filling, which is good as it kept me going until lunch!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Raspberry and banana trifle

A few weeks ago we celebrated a family birthday. We had a festive breakfast with lots of nice things. I decided to make something that wasn’t only gluten-, dairy- and sugar- free but would also taste great so that everyone could enjoy it! At first I wanted to do a simple fruit salad as that is always a big hit with my family. But then I decided I would spice things up and do something totally different. I did want to use fruit though. I decided to go with raspberries and banana and go from there. I like having yoghurt in the morning and I like something crunchy in my yoghurt. That’s when I thought of a trifle! This recipe combines the fruit, crunchy biscuits and yoghurt. It was a big success and there was nothing left after breakfast!


Recipe for 4 people
200 g gluten free plain biscuits (I used Dr. Schar’s butterkeks)
300 g raspberries
2 bananas
500 g plain soy yoghurt
50 g whole linseed
Place the biscuits in a Ziploc bag. Roll over the bag with a rolling pin until the biscuits have formed crumbs.
♥ Chop up the banana into neat slices.
♥ Put half of the raspberries in a bowl and mash these up with a fork.
♥ Take a pretty glass (I used whisky glasses) and start with a layer of the raspberry sauce, then add the biscuit crumbs and banana and finish of with the soy yoghurt. Repeat this to form a second layer.
♥ Garnish the trifle with some banana slices, raspberries and linseed.