Wednesday 17 September 2014

Easy Gluten free camping meal

This was a meal that I prepared while camping in France this summer. I had to make do with a small camping stove which could only hold two pans. When shopping that day in a big French supermarket I came across this gluten free tagliatelle pasta. It’s by the brand GerblĂ©. I decided to make a simply sauce to go with the pasta as I really wanted to give it a try. I must admit that I’m not a huge fan of the pasta, I thought that it was too thick and slimy. The pasta sauce turned out to be delicious, which compensated the untasty pasta. I thought I bought chicken but when we got back to the campsite it turned out to be turkey, which was also fine! I made the sauce by chopping up some mushrooms and red pepper and combining this with a store-bought jar of organic gluten free basil pasta sauce. I fried the turkey first and then added the mushrooms, red pepper and the sauce. In a separate pan I cooked the pasta. I put the pasta on the plates first and then added the sauce. Then we enjoyed this meal picknick style as we didn’t have any campingchairs or a table. This enhanced the camping feeling!

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