Tuesday 17 June 2014

Healthy cupcake

Long time, no see! I have been very busy the last couple of months. I have started a new treatment for lyme (which seems to be doing something) and have been very busy with my study. There have been some birthdays and holidays these last couple of months. On one of these occasions I decided to make healthy cupcakes. These yummy cakes consist of fruit and fruit alone. They are super easy to make as all that you need is melon and strawberries!

Healthy cupcakes
makes 4
ice cream scoop
♥ Cut the melon in half, and scoop uit all the pits.
♥ With your ice cream scoop scoop uit a melon ball and place this in the cupcakecase.
♥ Decorate your 'cupcake' with a strawberry!
♥ Enjoy!

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