Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Weekly Eats Wednesday- Holiday eats

I’m back! I had a great holiday, with lots of delicious gluten free meals. I found it very easy to eat gluten free in France, though this was probably due to the fact I did most of the cooking! I’ll do a separate blogpost about my experience with gluten free food in France. For now I’ll show you what I ate during my holiday. This is what I had during a very hot day which we spent on the beach. I probably had about two liter bottles of water but forgot to photograph these so you’re just going to have to believe me on that one!

Breakfast- I had my gluten free muesli (which I brought from home), some chopped up vigs (which I also brought) and some soy yoghurt for breakfast. With this I had a large glass of iced water and two cups of orange and ginger tea.
Lunch was a picknick on the beach! I packed two rice cakes, a kiwi and a nectarine to have as my lunch. Unfortunately I forgot to put my lunchbox in the cool bag so the fruit was rather warm and soggy. I had an icelolly as a treat after lunch! It had been such a long time since I had one and I thought it was overly sweet and didn’t enjoy it that much. It was refreshing though (which is why I had it in the first place!).  

We came home after a long beach day to discover we didn’t have any food for diner. We didn’t feel like going to the supermarket, so I decided to eat some of the leftovers. I toasted some gluten free focaccia bread (which I had brought with me). On the bread I put some pesto and a slice of ham. With the leftover tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, a teeny bit of salad and a homemade pesto dressing I made a roughly chopped up ‘salsa’ which I then layered onto the ham. It turned out to be very tasty. For dessert I had a few slices of watermelon.